Rusty Water and Your Water Heater: Time for a Replacement?

Rusty Water and Your Water Heater: Time for a Replacement?

Rusty Water and Your Water Heater: Time for a Replacement?

5 February 2024
, Blog

Rust-colored water gushing from the tap can be quite a shock. It's not just an eyesore, it can be a telltale sign that the water heater needs a replacement. This article explores the link between rusty water and the need to replace a water heater.

Understanding the Rusty Water Problem

When the tap spews out rusty water, it might point to a problem with the water heater. Over time, sediment builds up at the bottom of the tank. This sediment contains minerals that can corrode the tank's interior, causing rust. As the rust mixes with the water, it gives the water its discolored appearance.

Spotting the Signs: Is it Time for a Replacement?

While rusty water can be a clear sign of a problem, it's important to establish if the water heater is indeed the culprit. A simple test involves draining a few buckets of hot water out of the water heater. If, after filling three buckets, the water continues to appear rusty, there is probably a problem with the water heater.

However, if the water runs clear after a few buckets, the rust issue may be due to galvanized pipes. Older homes often have galvanized pipes that rust on the inside. In this case, replacing the pipes, not the water heater, would be the solution.

The Importance of Timely Water Heater Replacement

It's crucial to replace a rusting water heater promptly. Not only can it lead to rusty water, but it can also result in a leaking or burst tank. That's a scenario anyone would want to avoid, considering the potential water damage and costly repairs.

Choosing the Right Water Heater

When it's time for a replacement, consider factors like energy efficiency, size, and type of water heater. An energy-efficient model can help reduce electricity bills, while the size should be appropriate for the home's hot water needs. There are different types of water heaters – storage tank, tankless, heat pump, solar – each with its own pros and cons.

Enlist a Professional's Help

While it may be tempting to turn this into a DIY project, it's best to enlist a professional's help when replacing a water heater. Professionals have the necessary skills and experience to handle the installation safely and efficiently. They can also advise you on the best type of water heater for your home's needs.

In conclusion, rusty water can be a sign that it's time to replace the water heater. Timely replacement can prevent further problems like a leaking or burst tank. When it's time for a replacement, consider factors like energy efficiency, size, and type of water heater. And remember, it's always best to consult a professional for safe and efficient installation. Reach out to a water heater replacement service near you to learn more.

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The Mind of a Plumber

Have you ever wished you could venture into the mind of a plumber and see how they think? We certainly have. We are always amazed how plumbers can design a system of pipes to fit a space and then have everything work so perfectly. They have a true talent — one that we have always sought to understand on a deeper level. That's actually why we created this blog. We are hoping to post articles here that give you a peek into the world of a plumber. And we know we will gain additional insight as we write about plumbers, too.
