The Mind of a Plumber

The Mind of a Plumber

A Look At How Pipe Bursting Is Done For Sewer Line Repair

28 May 2021
, Blog

A collapsed or cracked and leaking sewer line is a serious situation that needs immediate repair so you can use the toilets and drains in your home. There are three basic types of sewer line repair to consider. One involves digging up the entire pipe so it can be replaced with a new one. Another method is to pull a liner through the old pipe without digging it up. The third method of sewer line repair is pipe bursting.
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Questions to Ask Before Installing a New Water Heater

25 May 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If your water heater is due for a replacement, you will notice signs such as leaks around the tank, cracking sounds, and the inability to satisfy your hot water demands. You should call a professional to install water heaters for you. However, before installing a new water heater, here are some questions you need to ask the plumber. What Kind of Water Heater Is Suitable for You? There are two main types of water heaters: tank and tankless heaters.
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Three Things To Know About Tankless Water Heaters

20 May 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you need to get a new hot water heater for your home, now is a great opportunity to upgrade to a tankless hot water heater. Here are three things you should know about this water heater upgrade before you decide to get one. Endless Hot Water Does your family frequently run out of hot water in the morning when everyone is taking their morning shower? This is due to the limitations of a hot water tank, which holds onto a reserve of hot water so that it is ready to be used.
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What Do You Need To Know About Foundation Piers?

5 August 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Foundation damage is one of the costliest catastrophes that any homeowner can face. If part of your foundation has settled, then you likely want to repair the damage in a way that is both permanent and cost-effective. Lifting an existing structure is not an easy or cheap task, but a variety of methods exist that can allow you to save your home. In cases where a foundation has already begun to sink, piers are often the repair method of choice.
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About Me
The Mind of a Plumber

Have you ever wished you could venture into the mind of a plumber and see how they think? We certainly have. We are always amazed how plumbers can design a system of pipes to fit a space and then have everything work so perfectly. They have a true talent — one that we have always sought to understand on a deeper level. That's actually why we created this blog. We are hoping to post articles here that give you a peek into the world of a plumber. And we know we will gain additional insight as we write about plumbers, too.
